歐藍德音響是由幾間音響店資深業務和經營者組成. 我們擁有超過100間音響 店販賣我們的商品 (包含HIEND音響店,HIFI音響店,劇院音響店,耳機類專門店, 高級音響線材專門店.)
歐藍德音響服務據點以及維修站遍布整個台灣,北中南部都有門市,辦公室,倉庫和專門維修站。 目前除了十位音響業界頂尖業務以及十多位後勤人員(包含網路技術人員,門市服務人員), 歐蘭德音響還有擁有三個頂尖維修團隊。 在台灣各地區也與當地最頂尖的音響維修站配合。
Orient Audio was established by owners and senior salesmen from audio shops in Taiwan market.There is over 100 audio shops promote product form Orient Audio.
We have direct Selling store ,warehouse and service center in all Taiwan.Beside 10 senior salesmen, Orient Audio customer will support by over 10 staff( include Computer Network and Systems Technicians ), 3 experienced repair department.
Orient Audio will be the best in Audio business. Beside providing the best Audio product to customer, we find potential customer form all level.